Taste Community Restaurant
Recording of meeting - https://youtu.be/cXGT4CRN7Fw
Who We Are
Taste Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit established simply to feed people one community at a time. One of every six Americans faces the reality that they may not be able to provide for their next meal. There are programs in place that help; however, in Tarrant County, 36 percent of this food insecure population live above the poverty level and receive no government help.
Our mission is to feed, educate, and serve our community so they may “…taste and see the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8.
We believe everyone should have access to healthy nutritional food. Our vision is to see our community become the solution to the challenges our community faces as it relates to hunger.
Our first project, a non-profit restaurant, focuses on healthy, quality meals made from fresh ingredients. Our menu has no prices. This is a give and take concept. We ask guests to do one of the following:
1) pay what you can afford,
2) pay what you would typically pay, or
3) pay what you would typically pay, plus a little extra.